
Showing posts from August, 2017
Hi everyone. As you can see I'm taking  a hiatus. on my blog as you can see I decide to leave my BLOG maybe i might blog next year on a new blog after My latest post i will like to share the non demo post that i will be sending please this is A Last one As i am wearing i Am wearing  RA Nora Blueberry - Kyla Mesh Pleated Mini Skirt Blueberry - Celeste Mesh Tops The Bat accessory is from Bad unicorn . PUKI . My Long Point Nails . Catwa catya. Yes the catwa catya is my favioret mesh head since March 25th. As you can see the catwa catya looked beautiful I've liked the animations and i would love to share my bento vid since i am leaving my blog i will return in January 2018/2019 since i am leaving SL for a lonnnnng hiatues more mental I will leave SL for a reason the reason is I am board of playing SL why can't we all take a break then playing SL everyday We can all just take a hiatus and call it a day. So why play SL everyday? "It is my best ex...