
Showing posts from September, 2016
Hello guys  I Love Everyone here heres something you guys should do if you ya all have blender creat something cooler or experssion it will be the cooler one if you want to make $$ cash that'syour  way ai'nt mines i always wanted to be a modle but since today i am it be a way i have been nicer this to do something creative every' cool places i have seen in sl made me much modle since i hav.ient taken a pictuer for days now its not out yet until octuber the 25  i have been much busy since i cou'dnlt relate whats happeing so someone has been bothering me so you know yesterday on satuterday   well i have review this commet but at todays night i have been aim by someone from a sandbox 7 of my friends has been there but when bug got grifted i was about to leave or something  some person i dont want to say the name but if you come  to this sandbox  you know stay away from girifers they might grifer you as well so stay away from grifers just move to another s...
Hi guys my blog pictuers ha.snt not been out yet its going to take time until octuber the 24 also if you enjoy my lastes blog you can picture the blog whatever you like its a holloween blog and I have been with  newer things so I will be busy by then I wont regreatedt the last sesones of my newer blog its a  cool. one by I will be doing the blog 11 weaks : ) and if your happy you can be
hereres my messges i.m glad to see all of my blogers or fans latley i dont want to get block by others just a friendly request and a speech i.m making a speech to help you understand the more commer good you are the much repsect  also my next step as been comeing and returing for the next conuting as i recall i love everyone i dont dislike them i only mute the ones that are left behide you have best friends that can be your family the ones that was there for you you shouldnt use your freinds  you should show repsect of your great friends  and best ones you can always make family by making your friends chaging there display. name anytime you make everything simple the more they agreed everything you do but. you have to show your roylayness and kindness to others its not just a inuslt its just who you are or the common good who you are and the more you earn alot of repsct the more everyone wants to add you so heres advice dont im a person like saying hi just introudcue your...
so  today i have been very very angry to share my blog it isnt finshed until the newer so i have been at a new location for my newist bloger i have been doing for the last 7 weaks killer holloween blog is comeing up in demo girls if you have a question describe in my blogger or my second life just send a notecard i wont able to answer your ims since i have to ingore your ims i still cant understand sometimes about your writting so if you have troubled iming me i can only take notecard:( i can record your ims and copy past it  its not right or wrong. i can. do it anytime a day a weak  if i.m not only just send a notecard dont say hi hello are you online that will dirtube me but the next person that trolls me in ims i will have to ingore you or mute you 3 weaks mute it cant be perma mute i would just be sad to never talk to  a person never again thats sad but i can answer any ones ims the point when i.m bloging i cant take the ims i only take them one outta time hun so...
 So Today i.m doing a post i have been doing for the past but my next pictuer will be octuber the 12 i wont be bloging until 1 month octuber and also i' am a bloger for Sl only  i will not able to blog next month
 So Today i have been working on my pictuer on the beach house i have been doing for the pass 7 weaks i havent upldoing things from demo girls blog                                                                                                          so hope you can enjoy ^_^ this blog i have today
Hey guys i.m posting this to my  house at the beach my blue house from willoweed has been taken by susie i might able to get a house contuing bloging or bloging a region thats big and a safe sandbox i can go to explore
So today i hav'ent posted this pictuer from flicker a while ago after i was busy on the grid from os and i was busy on something i din'nt had anything to do with this but Thank You For enjoying this blog and also i have made things wrong or not i have to review things i wanted to so thank you
i'  don't ha've anything to say about this but i.m pretty busy working all my blogs i have worked before
so i.m sharing  this pictuer Thank You for looking at my blog :)
alright so i wanted to share this beucse morgana hilair was well we talked she had to mute me for no reason at all but she said she was fustrating at the begigging i hope you all enjoy my blog so never  flustarte someone meet the person just say hi say your name dont say a radome hi just say anything you want but today i.m embrased i still share my blogs  so please dont sent a radome ims or anything i" would be plesent today i" have no time to answer them things again.
Harley Quinn
 little bones  black bantam whipped frosting t shirt with chats villena
that girl runs
windete rs
kittys  moons hair neagtive goji kitten purr n-core heels endless blueberry bonie stockerings 
whats like are pjs if we got no home   anna is wearing exxese ck