hereres my messges i.m glad to see all of my blogers or fans latley i dont want to get block by others just a friendly request and a speech i.m making a speech to help you understand the more commer good you are the much repsect also my next step as been comeing and returing for the next conuting as i recall i love everyone i dont dislike them i only mute the ones that are left behide you have best friends that can be your family the ones that was there for you you shouldnt use your freinds you should show repsect of your great friends and best ones you can always make family by making your friends chaging there display. name anytime you make everything simple the more they agreed everything you do but. you have to show your roylayness and kindness to others its not just a inuslt its just who you are or the common good who you are and the more you earn alot of repsct the more everyone wants to add you so heres advice dont im a person like saying hi just introudcue your self if you meet a person on a sandbox a club all diffrent regions the more you make millions of friends that can come online and hang out with its cool but explore sl you want its a greater game you can come up with if your a noob find a clothing store thats freebie and if you want alot of lindens you make one by getting a sl job or cashing out your rl that is all you are welcome to im me if you want to : ) thank you all for joinning me
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